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With Intuitive Strategic Trainer & Guide

Ryan Angelo

A Virtual Audio & Video Training

Access the blueprint of your truest self to unlock your deepest gifts and the highest expression of your soul.

Release stress, struggle, and pain as you step onto your most aligned path of fulfillment, power, and mastery.

What would it feel like to have less stress and anxiety — and more mastery and JOY in your life?

Imagine having deeper access to your intuition so you can confidently take the best steps forward, every minute of every day.

Feel what it would be like to move beyond your daily grind and uncover the map to achieving your truest purpose in life…

Clarity and ease are not only possible for you, they’re available to you, any time. 

You just need to know how to tap straight into your unique guidance system, unencumbered by the noise and confusion around you…

You have your own personal, unique Soul Path.

Just like your fingerprints, your soul is distinct. When you’re out of alignment with your personal Soul Path, your daily struggles can make you feel like you’re climbing Mount Everest.

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Progress can be slow and difficult… even treacherous. You might come up against illness, financial difficulties, or strain in your relationships.

When you discover your Soul Path, you bring yourself back into alignment — and start swimming with the current. (Goodbye, upstream!)

You move into the flow.

You’re able to tune in to a higher level of guidance. You’re freer, more satisfied, more vitalized, and thrilled to live the purpose you came here to actualize.

What IS a Soul Path?

Trainer and guide Ryan Angelo has identified seven unique Soul Paths, each with  particular purposes, perspectives, characteristics, intuitions, and inherent capabilities.

As Ryan puts it, when you discover and embody your Soul Path, you come into harmony with the vibrational frequency of creation, opening a channel to receive the riches of the universe that are your birthright. 

You can also clearly see what your particular path reveals about your personality and your purpose in this lifetime.

You gain actionable insight into how to fully embody the gifts of your most authentic self, and how to break through blocks in every area of your life — emotionally, mentally, spiritually, even financially. 

Each of the seven Soul Paths reveals a specific avenue of mastery that you can follow to liberate your deepest gifts and live your most fulfilling life.

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Which Soul Path resonates the most with you?

  1. The Elder: Elders are protectors of Divine Law and leaders who stand firmly in truth. If you’re an Elder, your aura will become a powerful shield for you and others. This is a difficult path, but living in fear is far more unpleasant.
  2. The Awakener: Awakeners are teachers, mentors, and those who illuminate the dark through wisdom, understanding, and discernment. When you’re an Awakener, you feel a desire to help awaken others. 

  3. The Unifier: Unifiers are artists, nurturers, and those who embody unconditional love. If you’re a Unifier, you desire to know the deepest love, love others, and create beauty. 

  4. The Purifier: Purifiers are advocates, caregivers, and those who stand firm in innocence. If you’re a Purifier, you’re devoted to your spiritual training and you live with a deep and reverent sense of joy and gratitude, constantly purifying your perceptions and reactions to life. 

  5. The Manifestor: Manifestors are healers, builders, and those who hold a space of harmony and balance. When you’re a Manifestor, you can harmonize discord, and your ability to see past illusion enables you to see true abundance. 

  6. The Guardian: Guardians are peacekeepers with a keen sense of fairness and the ability to recognize the greatness in others. When you’re a Guardian, your peaceful presence enables you to renew and strengthen yourself and those around you.

  7. The Mystic: Mystics are shamans and influencers, and those who embody forgiveness and loving compassion. When you’re a Mystic, you’re highly intuitive, and you naturally express love and understanding for those trapped in and acting out of fear and darkness.

Aligning Your Soul With Your Higher Guidance

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Ryan teaches that we’re each called to one of the seven sacred paths. While you may feel a connection to several, you’ll find that one feels the most like home.

Your Soul Path answers the question “Who am I?”…

You are not your persona, which is what you show the world. And you’re not your ego either, which is the aspect of you that you perceive yourself as.

You are a wave of spirit in the vast ocean of Spirit — a perfect reflection of the Divine.

And as you align with your Soul Path, you connect to the vastness of divine guidance. Life becomes clearer and your purpose in this world is revealed.

In this powerful course with Ryan, you’ll understand the seven Soul Paths — and you’ll master your relationship to your path, throwing light on the root causes of the difficulties in your life — and how to resolve them.

In this 9-part training, Ryan will show you:

  • How the illusion of separateness from Source energy keeps you from remembering your true identity
  • Why being out of harmony with Divine Law sets in motion a cascade of challenges
  • How aligning with the purity of divine guidance heals pain and helps you advance toward your life purpose
  • Why connecting to your unique Soul Path reveals the most effective avenue to connect with your higher self
  • How to speak your personal divine truth with great clarity and impact
  • Why the soul pathway that most strongly resonates with you is the gateway to the freedom of your soul
  • Ways to free yourself from guilt, shame, and other negative emotions
  • Why you are meant to live in joy, and how identifying your Soul Path can make that dream a reality
  • How to find refuge deep within the nurturing sanctuary of your heart
  • AND 2 LIVE Q&As — giving you direct access to Ryan’s wisdom

What You’ll Discover in These 9 Modules

In this 9-part transformational intensive, consisting of an introductory session, seven core modules, and an integration session (PLUS two live Q&As!), Ryan will guide you to develop the skills you need to activate the gifts of your true Soul Path.

Introduction: Consciousness Mastery & Awareness ($500 Value)

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If you’ve felt torn between “normal life” and spirituality, it’s time to transcend this conflict. We start our journey with a new awareness of self-acceptance and the recognition that your ego holds a key to unlocking your divinity. Some spiritual practices state that you must become egoless; in truth, you must form an alliance with your ego.

Your spiritual gifts are filtered through your ego’s willingness to work in alignment with your higher guidance. We will explore your lower (sabotaging) and higher (ascending) ego consciousness. You will discover how to expand your awareness in order to embrace the many gifts, possibilities, joys and abundance your soul offers you. You will be equipped with a powerful meta-cognitive strategy to easily navigate the vastness of your psyche.

In this introductory 3-hour module, you’ll receive multiple exercises and discover how to:

  • Deepen and expand your awareness of self and others
  • Improve intimacy, sexual passion (and playfulness), and melt the binding ego
  • Identify the blocks to your divine channel and transmute them
  • Use a system for retaining self-mastery even in crisis situations
  • Understand your prime soul path, secondary path, and your divine balance

Module 1: Path of the Elder ($500 value)

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Power catalyses creation, but power can be misused, manipulated or subverted. Power without restraint leads to destruction and dominion. A lack of power is bullied and begets unrealized dreams. Power that is in alignment with Divine Will and Perfection is neither lacking nor without restraint; such power represents the Divine Masculine.

You’ll realize your greatest gifts of fearlessness and faith that reconnect you with your divinity. You’ll find that you are a part of a lineage of Elders who protect divine law and use power to create wonders. You are not bound by human laws; you are here to represent divine law.

In this module, you’ll discover how to:

  • Call forth protection and dismiss toxic energy, entities and tricksters
  • Reconnect with your higher self in the face of deception and illusion
  • Enact your divine purpose, access your power, and transform your life
  • Speak your divine truth with great clarity and impact
  • Use your power over word to release false mantras and create anew

Module 2: Path of the Awakener ($500 Value)

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Seekers soon realize that wisdom, understanding and discernment are vital skills on any spiritual journey. As such, this path is one of bringing ignorance into light. It is an understanding of cause and effect at such a level that you recognize the Divine Mind behind all unfolding.

As you learn to listen and trust in the Divine Mind, you’ll find that you possess knowledge and insight far beyond that of a single lifetime. You remember what it is to be a teacher of teachers. As you quiet your lower ego and awaken your higher mind, you’ll find yourself one with the all-knowing light of illumination.

In this module, you’ll discover how to:

  • Call upon the Divine Mind to give you the wisdom needed to solve problems
  • Release painful addictive attachments in favor of higher reasoning and relief
  • Interpret and clarify confusion in life and relationships
  • Connect your mind with your sacred heart so your lower ego can’t mislead you
  • Tune in and receive the right steps that need to be taken in any situation

Module 3: Path of the Unifier ($500 Value)

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Love conquers all. Love is the glue that holds the universe together. Yet love can be misunderstood, manipulated or inverted into an unhealthy form. Love heals and begets growth. All life needs love to survive and thrive. Yet love can be corrupted, codependent and lacking in balance.

This path of Divine Love represents the Divine Feminine. You’ll discover how to protect your emotions from the emotional chaos around you. You’ll discover the sacredness and power of real love. You’ll awaken your deep artistic creative gifts. And you may find that your very presence can melt hearts of stone.

In this module, you’ll discover how to:

  • Call on Divine Love to strengthen the love within and around you
  • Find refuge deep within the nurturing sanctuary of your sacred heart
  • Heal and cleanse the scars of grief buried in your heart and in others’ hearts
  • Discern real love (divine) from projected love (tricksters)
  • Renew yourself and fuel your creativity through natural love’s balance

Module 4: Path of the Purifier ($500 Value)

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This is the path of ascension. This is the center of all of the paths. It is a return to the purity of your divine blueprint. Children are pure. They have not lost their innocence. They laugh at everything. Joy is natural for them. But innocence is also naive and can be corrupted. Corruption, in its various forms, creates a rift separating you from joy.

Purification is a discipline. As you return to joy and reclaim your innocence, you’ll feel lighter and brighter than ever before. You’ll learn to accelerate energy and build formidable momentum to break free from sticky, dense corruptive influences.

In this module, you’ll discover how to:

  • Call for help to clear away entities of addiction and corruption
  • Let go of 3rd-dimensional separation consciousness in favor of 5th-dimensional love and connection
  • Understand and disentangle yourself from your mortal coil
  • Build a heaven-earth connection in a way that roots Spirit on earth
  • Hold a field of invincible joy that can render you immune to corruption

Module 5: Path of the Manifester ($500 Value)

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Manifestation occurs naturally through the harmony of divine science. Healing is a restoration of harmony. Disharmony is dis-ease that subconsciously creates diseases, poverty and emotional anguish. Your subconscious mind is very powerful, but if it’s ignored and not healed, you’ll continue to attract what you don’t want into your life.

We’ll discuss mastery of mind. We’ll be healing the archetypal patterns and images that create disharmony in your life. We’ll unravel your gifts as a conscious and scientific manifestor.

In this module, you’ll discover how to:

  • Call upon the amazing healing powers of Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael
  • Clear your mind of discord and confusion in favor of clarity and vision
  • Reveal and wash away hidden patterns of self-sabotage
  • Become a spiritual mind-master utilizing next-level laws of attraction
  • See, study and measure the Divine Science of Manifestation

Module 6: Path of the Guardian ($500 Value)

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A house divided cannot stand. Conflict between personalities, nationalities and religions have led to much war, strife and grievances. Chaos can evoke changes, but if prolonged, chaos stunts and regresses progress. It is through brotherhood, sisterhood and peaceful oneness that greatness unfolds.

By discovering how to stand firm in your distinct individuality (know thyself: autonomy) and honoring the same in others (tolerance: oneness), you become like the sun, a beacon of light that encourages and makes growth possible.

In this module, you’ll discover how to:

  • Call upon the Resurrection-Redeemer archetype to burn away dense energy
  • Balance and bring peace into your own Divine Masculine and Feminine nature
  • Strengthen your confidence and assert your autonomy and individuality
  • Help others to realize their potential (even without them knowing)
  • Become immune to the efforts to steal your energy or slow you down

Module 7: Path of the Mystic ($500 Value)

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“Magic” is science that we do not yet understand. At the highest levels, this is a path that perfectly balances the Path of the Elder and the Path of the Unifier — Divine Masculine and Feminine in absolute and perfect balance. Lifetimes of discord between masculine and feminine have produced cycles of unlearned lessons and an abundance of karma.

Your personal karma must be paid, and the wisdom gained by your soul if you are to ascend. Discover how to work with Divine Mercy, Compassion and Alchemy to transmute darkness into light. You’ll be required to trust and face your lessons, but you’ll be amazed by the miracles.

In this module, you’ll discover how to:

  • Call forth an ocean of divine magic to transmute dense darkness into light
  • Heal the deep-rooted traumas within your Akashic records
  • Feel the freedom from guilt and denser emotions that you’ve longed for
  • Use alchemy to consciously bring forth resolutions and miracles
  • Understand and bathe in the mysteries of Divine Compassion and Mercy

Module 8: Integration ($850 Value)

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Based on the questions asked and the materials covered in the previous seven modules, we’ll wrap up this course up with a video integration module that strategically explores the interrelationship of each module.

By this point, you’ll already be experiencing the benefits of the work done thus far. This final module will supply any missing pieces or key ingredients still needed.


This is an incredible opportunity to join Ryan LIVE for two sessions! You’ll gather with Ryan live for in-depth Q&A, getting direct access to his wisdom and teachings. As he engages directly with your and your fellow students’ most important questions, he’ll deepen your learning so you can live your Soul Path in a truly powerful way.

And don’t worry if you can’t join Ryan live — you can catch up anytime! You’ll receive lifetime access to video recordings of each session. You can refer to them time and again to access the questions and answers at a time and pace that works for your schedule.

The Soul Path Mastery Bonus Collection

In addition to Ryan’s transformative 9-session virtual course AND the two live Q&As, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

When you register before the timer counts down,
You will get EXTRA BONUS GIFT!

20-Minute Power Reading (Valued at $150.00+)

Private 1-on-1 Session With Ryan Angelo

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Ryan’s private clients consistently report that a session with him is a glass-ceiling-shattering experience that makes them see everything differently, lifts them out of dense fogs, and clears away invisible chains. If you’re ready for monumental shifts that make you stronger, clearer, and more confident than ever before, this can be the catalyst for a big transformation. Sessions usually start at $150.00, but you’ll get this Power Reading for free when you enroll now. Ryan can only give so many readings — so jump on this chance while it’s still available!

Higher Self Reconnection Journey (Valued at $250.00)

Audio Program From Ryan Angelo

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Have you ever wanted to truly experience a deeper connection with your Higher Self? This specialized program will take you through a sequence of meditations that have helped countless people experience a connection they never thought possible.  

If you have an overactive mind or battle with intrusive thoughts, this program will help you cut through the noise and tune in to your Higher Self’s deeper wisdom. If your emotions have been feeling chaotic or depressed, this program will help you remember the stillness of your center so you can feel the peace of your Higher Self.

Relating the Pathways to the Enneagram (Valued at $250.00)

Audio Program From Ryan Angelo

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The Enneagram is one of the most complete and accurate personality systems ever realized. The Sacred Soul Paths help to accentuate the Enneagram and vice versa. An Elder-2 and a Mystical-2 would be similar yet quite different in how they help others. An Awakener-9 and a Manifestor-9 would bring forth peace, but in somewhat different ways.

Each of the Enneagram personalities will be released to each of the Sacred Soul Paths to give you a yet unexplored look into who you are. If you have found wisdom within the Enneagram, then you will cherish this unique study as it will give you even greater clarity into the fullness of who you are and where the depths of your joy await you.



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About Ryan Angelo

Ryan Angelo is an author, speaker, consultant, and trainer who specializes in helping clients restore their connection with Source while awakening and remembering their hidden soul gifts. He’s held thousands of hours of training and helping clients.

Ryan works with leaders, healers, and teachers to recenter, reconnect with their inner truth, refine their talents, and bring their gifts to the world. He also helps empathic survivors of toxic relationships to disentangle from the webs, shield their energy, reclaim their SELF, and restore their ability to freely thrive and embrace joy.

Ryan’s background in mind-body performance, personality psychology, depth psychology, and his connection with the angelic realm have yielded the uniquely effective master strategy: The Seven Soul Paths.


What People Are Saying About Ryan Angelo...

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Here’s What You’ll Receive

Nine Downloadable Audio Modules

From Ryan Angelo

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Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored and learn from pioneering spiritual teacher Ryan Angelo — from the comfort of your own home. You’ll learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken and sustain your alignment to your soul’s path.

Each class will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You can listen anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience (with or without a cat!).

Exercises and Questions

For Each Lesson

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After each lesson, you’ll have the option of doing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Soul Path Mastery Bonus Collection

Bonus Collection

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  • Higher Self Reconnection Journey
    Audio Program From Ryan Angelo (Valued at $197.00)

  • Relating the Pathways to the Enneagram
    Audio Program From Ryan Angelo (Valued at $197.00)

A Life-Changing Chance to Join the
Soul Path Mastery Virtual Training

This is an incredible opportunity to learn from a renowned trainer and guide whose powerful insights can help you heal and transform your life.

Through this self-paced online training, you’ll not only save time and money on traditional workshop costs, you’ll benefit from Ryan’s transformational teachings from the comfort and safety of your home — at your own pace!

If you’re serious about tapping into the wisdom of your soul and gaining Soul Path Mastery, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

More Praise for Ryan Angelo…

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Limited Time Discount Available!


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Frequently Asked Questions

A: Your satisfaction with this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please email info@unseenally.com. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at info@unseenally.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

A: Please email info@unseenally.com, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. 

More Praise for Ryan Angelo…

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